Comments to image of the month:

Remarkable air mass boundary over Central Europe

This image dates on 8 may 1996 and includes orbit number 6984 to 6986, Berlin reveiving time between 10:50 GMT and 14:38 GMT, Channel 1 or VIS.

A remarkable air mass boundary reaches from Biscay, northern France, northern Germany to the Baltic Sea. The northern sector of the image illustrates meso-scale downward motion in general near anticyclone SIMON located over Scotland (dry air mass). Over southern France, Italy, southern Germany, Switzerland, Austria, former Yugoslavia and the Adriatic Sea powerfull vertical motions upward in a humid air mass reach up to the top of atmosphere with numerous cumulonimbus and many thunderstorms. Surface temperature soundings records values from 20 degress to 25 degrees C, dew points near 16 degrees ; synoptik stations in Denmark temperatures such as 11 degrees C and dew points between -1 degree and 3 degrees C.

Author: L. Lesch

Creation Date: Friday May 10, 1996

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