"Etna" volcanic eruption
July 21st, 2001
AVHRR / NOAA-16 (Channels 1,2 and 4)
Mount ETNA and its surroundings (Topography)
AVHRR / NOAA-14, 20th July 2001, orbit 33785, Channel 2
AVHRR / NOAA-14, 20th July 2001, orbit 33785, Channel 4
AVHRR / NOAA-14, 21st July 2001, orbit 33799, Channel 2
AVHRR / NOAA-14, 21st July 2001, orbit 33799, Channel 4
AVHRR / NOAA-14, 22nd July 2001, orbit 33814, Channel 2
AVHRR / NOAA-14, 22nd July 2001, orbit 33814, Channel 4
AVHRR / NOAA-14, 22nd July 2001, Channels 1,2 and 3
"Etna" volcanic eruption
July 2001
Creation Date: Tuesday July 24th, 2001
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